Supporting program

A 360° view of automation and robotics: our supporting program.

What characterizes a world-leading exhibition? That it also offers a top-notch supporting program providing real added value through successful formats. 96 percent of visitors confirmed the supporting program’s relevance and topicality in 2022, and it will be further complemented and optimized in 2023. automatica has a special focus on dialog and discussions in its approach to covering and driving your automation opportunities.

Lecture program

The interdisciplinary munich_i Hightech Summit puts a spotlight on the current state of research and applications in robotics and AI from a unique angle, and discusses responsible technological change. Leading international technology drivers and pioneers from sci-ence and industry will discuss the central aspects of interaction between human and artificial intelligence, and provide guidance as to which technologies will be relevant in the future and which industry standards will prevail.

Location: Halle B4, Stand 330

From trend analyses all the way to best practice examples: The automatica Forum offers you first-hand expert knowledge on the mega-trends of automation. Hybrid elements complement our “classic” format, thus expanding possibilities and target groups.

Location: Hall A5, Stand 330

From trend analyses all the way to best practice examples: The automatica Forum offers you first-hand expert knowledge on the mega-trends of automation. Hybrid elements complement our “classic” format, thus expanding possibilities and target groups.

Location: Hall B4, Stand 329

The interactive Vision Expert Huddles presentation concept in the Machine Vision Pavilion will enter its second round in 2023. Short keynotes on the latest technologies and trends in machine vision invite trade fair visitors to directly engage with experts on site.

Location: Hall B5, Stand 110

Der Odense Investor Summit richtet sich an Investoren, die tiefer in den Markt einsteigen möchten und dafür den richtigen Partner suchen. Das rund 2,5-stündige Programm als Teil der Start-up Arena stellt mit 15 Unternehmen-Pitches mögliche Investitionsbereiche vor.

Location: Halle B4, Stand 326


Mobile robots are not just revolutionizing logistics scenarios, but production as well. Because they enable a new level of flexibility while maintaining high productivity. But how to form a homogeneous fleet of several robots from different manufacturers with minimum effort? Experience the VDA 5050 developed by VDA and VDMA live in action. The setting? The exclusive premiere of the AGV Mesh-Up@automatica within the framework of our new Mobile Robots in Production showcase – in a battery production logistics application context for the first time. Ready for the big test?

Location: Hall B4, Stand 338

Record-breaking growth rates and an ever-expanding scope of applications indicate that service robots are on their way to becoming omnipresent. This is more than enough reason to dedicate even more space to this topic with great public appeal. The joint Service Robot City pavilion offers an exciting overview of the numerous application fields for service robots such as Health, Hospitality, Retail, Work, and Inspection & Monitoring. This is the place to experience innovative exhibits in action – and effective solutions to problems associated with the lack of specialists. Perfect example: the Robot Restaurant is partly staffed by machines, making it a centerpiece and highlight of the service robotics exhibition.

Location: Hall A4, Stand 530

The TestZone has evolved to showcasing exciting robotics exhibits from the fields of cobots and no-code. Here, automation newcomers have a unique opportunity to experience several innovative robotics and automation applications live and up close – and to try them out for themselves.

Location: Hall A5, Stand 530

Connected Machines: umati@automatica“ takes networking to a new level: The demonstrator comprises various machines, robots, machine vision systems, and tightening systems distributed across six halls with smartphone-based data access.

Location: Hall B3, Stand 218

The AI.Society exhibition and dialog platform is an important part of munich_i. It presents exciting use cases and lighthouse projects from across the four pivotal fields of work, healthcare, mobility, and environment – including close encounters with prototypes and specific applications. It explores areas that will see the greatest impact of these innovative technologies and new applications that will bene-fit us in the future. The integrated i_space forum looks far beyond technical feasibility aspects of robotics and automation. Its interdisciplinary expert panels with plenty of networking opportunities focus on new approaches and future scenarios.

Location: Hall B4, Stand 329

Our new edition of the Smart Maintenance Pavilion demonstrates the significance of smart and predictive maintenance in automated production processes.

Location: Hall A6, Stand 520

The special show “Photons in Production” presents on more than 400 square meters of exhibition space. You will gain a comprehensive insight into current trends and research results in the field of laser materials processing. As a special highlight, two live demonstrations await you. On the one hand, you will see a demonstration of process monitoring for the beam shaping in terms of ring-mode lasers. On the other hand, a networked laser material processing system with a fully interconnected inline quality assurance using artificial intelligence will be presented. Due to the close link between the two topics of laser material processing and automation, the cross-fair "Solutions Pitches" will be organized for the first time this year. Two exhibitors each from automatica and LASER WoP will present a successful and industry-ready "show case" for solving a production technology challenge.

Location: Hall B3, Stand 451

Young Talents

The Start-Up Arena promotes networking between innovators, industry, and investors so that new ideas can be developed to market maturity.

Location: Hall B4, Stand 326

career now is the new job & career hotspot at automatica 2023.

Location: Hall B4, Stand 121

Young talent will demonstrate their capabilities at the munich_i Robothon® online. This collaborative development competition challenges its participants to turn fresh ideas into software and hardware at impressive speed.

Location: Hall A4, Stand 121