munich_i Summit, 28. Juni 2023, Halle B4 der Messe München: Das sind die wichtigen Koordinaten für alle, die sich mit der Zukunft der Robotik und mit KI beschäftigen – wissenschaftlich, ethisch oder ganz pragmatisch. Weltweit führende Experten stellen Konzepte, Beispiele und auch ethische Richtlinien für die Interaktion von menschlicher mit künstlicher Intelligenz vor. Keynote Speaker ist Dr. Norbert Gaus, Executive Vice President Siemens Technology, Head of Research & Pre-Development.

Digitale Zwillinge steuern vollständig autonome Fabriken: Das ist die Vision von Dr. Norbert Gaus. Als Executive Vice President Siemens Technology und verantwortlich für die Konzernforschung und Vorausentwicklung setzen er und seine Teams diese Vision in die Wirklichkeit um. Schon heute, so zeigen seine Beispiele, kann die Kombination von Robotik und KI flexible und autonome Prozesse in Produktion und Logistik ermöglichen.

Wenn der digitale Zwilling die autonome Fabrik steuert
"Robotics, the Digital Twin and AI – Enabling the autonomous factory."

The field of industrial manufacturing is in the center of the digital transformation. Rapid technical developments coincide with global events impacting the way we develop and produce. Increasing flexibility and resilience demands for our supply chains require new ways of collaborating across the various parts of the value creation network.

Recent developments in robotics and AI allow us to picture hyper-flexible production systems and autonomous factories to address these challenges and create a sustainable manufacturing landscape that produces on demand and close to consumption.

The talk will show how industry ensures the availability of high-quality data as the basis of end-to-end digital manufacturing processes. Examples demonstrate how Digital Twins and advanced algorithms can be used to automate the automation and compute complete autonomous manufacturing processes instead of engineering them manually. Finally, the talk will show use cases that leverage the combination of robotics and AI for flexible, autonomous processes in manufacturing and logistics.

Dr. Norbert Gaus, Executive Vice President at Siemens Technology, is responsible for Research & Pre-Development at Siemens. After earning a degree in electrical engineering from Technical University Munich, he worked initially as a research assistant at the German Aerospace Center. During that time he earned a Ph.D. in engineering from Ruhr University Bochum. He joined Siemens AG Technology in 1991. Between 1994 and 2001, Gaus held various positions in the Information and Communication Networks Group with the rank of Vice President. In the following four years, he served as President and CEO of Siemens Corporate Research Inc., Princeton, NJ, USA. From 2005 to when he assumed his current position, he held various executive positions in Siemens Healthcare, ultimately as CEO of the Customer Solutions Division (Sales and Service for Siemens Healthcare, HIS Business Unit) of Siemens Healthcare. Since May 2015 he is in his current position at Siemens Technology.

Robotics, the Digital Twin and AI - Enabling the autonomous factory.

The field of industrial manufacturing is in the center of the digital transformation. Rapid technical developments coincide with global events impacting the way we develop and produce. Increasing flexibility and resilience demands for our supply chains require new ways of collaborating across the various parts of the value creation network. Recent developments in robotics and AI allow us to picture hyper-flexible production systems and autonomous factories to address these challenges and create a sustainable manufacturing landscape that produces on demand and close to consumption. The talk will show how industry ensures the availability of high-quality data as the basis of end-to-end digital manufacturing processes. Examples demonstrate how Digital Twins and advanced algorithms can be used to automate the automation and compute complete autonomous manufacturing processes instead of engineering them manually. Finally, the talk will show use cases that leverage the combination of robotics and AI for flexible, autonomous processes in manufacturing and logistics.


Die Keynote „Robotics, the Digital Twin and AI – Enabling the autonomous factory.” von Dr. Norbert Gaus wird von Prof. Dr. Angela Schoellig, Professurinhaberin 'Sicherheit, Performanz und Zuverlässigkeit lernender Systeme' (TU München), moderiert.