automatica x Healthtech

Innovative healthcare solutions

Whether in labs, pharmacies, or hospital and care facility logistics: Our healthcare economy increasingly relies on robotics and automated processes. automatica reflects this development in its range of topics and its current Healthtech focus. That makes the leading exhibition increasingly important for the healthcare sector—and turned it into a must-attend event to anyone who has not been before.

Needed more than ever: new solution approaches

Diagnosis: overload. Prognosis: poor. The healthcare sector is stretched to the limit, skill shortages are prevalent all over Germany. According to the German Federal Statistical Office, Germany expects a deficit of 690,000 nursing staff by 2049 due to the ageing population. A study conducted by PWC Germany found that there will be almost 1.8 million unfilled vacancies in the healthcare sector as early as 2035. Alarming numbers requiring prompt action—in Germany and other European countries.

Increased focus on healthcare facility automation based on solutions from mechanical and plant engineering could improve the situation. This includes automated processes in pharmacies or hospital drug management facilities, but also the deployment of service robots to improve service in care facilities. The goal: an improved patient experience and more efficient care management while relieving personnel.

What does it take, what preconditions need to be met, and what issues must be addressed? Our new Healthtech focus provides an exciting overview. And, more importantly: concrete solutions.

automatica 2025: full focus on healthtech

Our Healthtech Pavilion in cooperation with the MedtecLIVE trade fair and our two-day MedtecSUMMIT, presented by Bayern Innovativ, form the cornerstones of our Healthtech campaign. VDMA HealthTech provides expert guidance and selects relevant exhibitor solutions in this context—across trade fairs at both automatica and Laser World of Photonics.

MedtecLIVE Healthtech Pavilion

The joint pavilion in Hall A4 is presented by MedtecLIVE, trade fair around the development and manufacture of medical technology. It addresses manufacturers and service providers from across the medical technology supplier sector and along its entire value chain—from development all the way to regulatory approval. Whether mechanical engineering, laser technology/applications, injection molded micro components for large batch sizes, or software: This is all about solutions—and closing the gap between manufacturers and users.

People talking at a company's trade fair stand, surrounded by banners and information boards.
© Bayern Innovativ GmbH / Foto: Thomas Geiger Fotografie / MedtecSUMMIT 2025
Seven people sit on a stage and discuss at the MedtecSUMMIT event; a screen and banners can be seen in the background.
© Bayern Innovativ GmbH / Foto: Thomas Geiger Fotografie / MedtecSUMMIT 2025

MedtecSUMMIT: June 25 and 26, 2025

The MedtecSUMMIT hosted on the second and third trade fair day is organized by Bayern Innovativ. It presents the enabling technology for automation and robotics in the healthcare sector with an exciting mix of keynotes, panel discussions, and applications.

Medical experts, scientists, and industry representatives will engage in discussions with a special focus on the fields of logistics and clinical robotics. Participation is included in the trade fair ticket.

The topics:

  • Enabling technology for R+A in healthcare
  • Network architecture and security
  • Interoperability concepts
  • Clinical robotics: surgery and rehabilitation
  • Logistics robots, positioning systems, drone and mobility concepts.
  • Lab automation

Finally, the production-centric Automation Solutions for MedTech presentation session by VDMA HealthTech, SummitStage, Hall B4, Thursday, the 26th of June 2025, 15:00–16:30 will complement this.

Curated for you: our exhibitors’ top industry solutions

Are you interested in production technology and components for medical technology applications? Do you need innovative solutions for healthcare facilities? Our new exhibition focus turns all aspects of Healthtech into a comprehensive experience—offering you the perfect opportunity to get in touch with manufacturers and providers from across the industrial healthcare economy. By the way: We have developed a way to draw even more attention to the most exciting exhibits. These have been curated by VDMA HealthTech to facilitate targeted tours of both automatica and Laser World of Photonics.

© Messe München GmbH