Use our marketing services for your success

Increase the success of your trade-fair presentation in a lasting manner. We have a diverse range of marketing services available that will help you to publicize and effectively optimize your exhibit before, during and after the fair. Many of our offers are already included in your participation price and give you significantly more visibility.

Visitor marketing

Unlimited online vouchers are included in your participation fee. Use them to invite your customers and partners to your trade show booth. Afterwards, you can use the ticket registration to evaluate all redeemed vouchers and plan further marketing measures - easily and conveniently. Please remember that the success of your trade fair participation depends to a large extent on how well you have managed your visitor marketing in advance.

Charge: free of charge

With the Scan2Lead lead tracking products, you as an exhibitor simply record all visitor information digitally and in real time at the touch of a button by scanning the barcodes on the visitor badges. This gives you access to the visitor's registration data, which you can edit individually and supplement with additional information. All data scanned at your booth is immediately available in your personal Scan2Lead PORTAL, from which you can export all information as an Excel file. Scan2Lead offers several product opportunities tailored to your needs as an exhibitor: Scan2Lead SMART app, which allows you to scan barcodes and business cards with your smartphone or tablet and add (voice) notes or photos, Scan2Lead COLLECT, whose handheld scanners allow you to easily and quickly capture barcodes, Scan2Lead STATION, where visitor data is captured on a notebook using a scanner gun and Scan2Lead PORTAL, your personal web portal as the central point of your lead management. Scan2Lead allows you to digitally capture customer data directly at the booth with just one scan.
More information here.

Contact: adventics GmbH, + 49 89 4444 33 111,

Advertising—onsite, online and print

Eye-catching advertising placements and attractive advertising spaces that enhance your trade show presence - Customer Success is your contact and consultant when it comes to targeting the audience at the trade show.

Contact: Media Sales, Johannes Schmittner, +49 89 949-20593,

Costs: depend on advertising space in the exhibitor shop

Discover the advertising spaces in the catalog clip

The automatica Visitor Guide contains, among other things, detailed hall overviews and information about the supporting program. It is available free of charge to all trade fair visitors at the hall entrances and at the information counters. Take advantage of the opportunity to present yourself to automatica visitors with your logo and an advertisement in the Visitor Guide.

Costs: depending on the advertising motif

Contact: NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH, Roméo Mfouapon, + 49 201 36547-410,

Present your company in the official exhibitor directory and in the automatica app: In order to reach potential visitors before the trade fair and generate new contacts at the trade fair, it is important to provide information about your trade fair participation. You will be found cross-medially through your individual entry. Here, your target group is already active in the run-up to and during the trade fair and you achieve high visibility.
You have the option of ordering services individually or booking useful combinations in the form of packages.

Contact: NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH, Roméo Mfouapon, + 49 201 36547-410,

We offer our exhibitors to brand the ticket store and ticket media (print@home tickets, wallet tickets). In addition, the visitor you invite can be welcomed at the turnstile on the exhibition grounds as soon as they enter automatica 2025 on site.

Package: Branding ticket store, branding ticket media, turnstile welcome at the entrance

Cost: on request

Contact: NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH, Roméo Mfouapon, + 49 201 36547-410,

The Wi-Fi home screen will display an exhibitor's advert for the entire duration of the trade fair, which will be visible to all users of automatica and the co-located LASER World of PHOTONICS.

Booking: exclusively for one exhibitor, first come - first serve

Cost: on request

Contact: NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH, Roméo Mfouapon, + 49 201 36547-410,

The automatica website is visited thousands of times before and during the event. We select the most attractive content pages to position your banners.

Costs: on request

Contact: NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH, Roméo Mfouapon, + 49 201 36547-410,

Can't find what you're looking for in our range or want more customised packages? This is also possible after consultation with the exhibition management.

Package: individually by arrangement

Costs: by arrangement

Contact: automatica exhibition management,

More visibility and services

Registered exhibitors at automatica can apply for a presentation at the automatica Forum. For this purpose, you will receive access to a free tool via the exhibitor shop, which you can use to apply. A user guide, which will be available soon, explains the input mask step by step. An independent program management will decide on the acceptance of the presentation.

Requirements: Topics from the automatica exhibition area, maximum 20 minutes, non-promotional, short description.

Costs: 990 EUR (plus VAT), only due upon acceptance of the presentation and due for payment with the final invoice

Contact: automatica exhibition management,

Will you be a speaker?
Share your expertise: Apply for a presentation slot at our Vision Expert Huddles – free of charge for all automatica and LASER World of PHOTONICS exhibitors with a focus on machine vision. Just fill out the application form and contribute to this specialist program.

We are continuously looking for ways for automatica exhibitors to increase their digital visibility. Since 2023, we are cooperating with the industry portal and enable users of the portal to publish content in the automatica exhibitor directory: Post about your portfolio and your trade fair applications before and during automatica and generate additional attention on a permanent basis (about the concept).

In cooperation with VDMA Robotics + Automation and we invite you:

  • Use a permanently free account on with official exhibitor credentials for automatica 2025.
  • Post via with reference to automatica 2025: Your posts will be automatically published to all trade show visitors via the exhibitor database newsfeed and our app.

Contact: andugo GmbH, Dirk Engelbrecht, +49 89 740 77569,

As an exhibitor at automatica 2025, you can draw attention to yourself and your booth within the Laser World of Photonics (LWoP) exhibitor directory. This will give you visibility within the target group of our parallel event.

Book our package that we have put together for you.


  • company entry, hall/booth at automatica, company description, teaser text
  • 3 entries in the LWoP product and service directory (exhibitor portal, app)
  • 2 entries in the LWoP application directory (exhibitor portal, app)
  • Company logo in the LWoP exhibitor directory (Visitor Guide, exhibitor portal, App)

Costs: 490 EUR

Registration: will be available shortly

Contact: jl.medien GmbH, +49 89 666166-24,

Please note that the conference and meeting rooms are rented to exhibitors only.

The conference rooms are rented as follows: full day: 09:00 to 18:00; half day: 09:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 18:00. Meeting rooms are rented on a full-day basis only.

Seating: each meeting room is individually equipped (row seating or parliamentary seating). Each meeting room is equipped with standard furniture (table block with seating). The seating cannot be changed.

Technical equipment: mobile installations such as microphones / mixer, video projection, video / TV recording, sound recording and other technical equipment can be ordered separately for all rooms.

Costs: in the exhibitor-shop, as of February 2023

Contact: Daniela Köpfer,

automatica supports exhibitors and interested companies with content, training and advice on all aspects of successful trade fair participation.

We want to make it easy for you to recognize and implement the success potential of your trade fair participation. We will start with five webinars that address current and success-relevant aspects of trade fair participation and provide practical tips and tricks for greater trade fair success. Participation in the webinars is free of charge. The webinars, training and advice will be provided by our competence partner meety.

Costs: free of charge

Social media

automatica is also active on social media. Network with us! You will find us on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. We share all interesting content with our fans and followers. Please feel free to send our press manager contributions directly. Use our hashtag #automatica in your communication!

Printable event logos for integration into your advertising activities.

Costs: free of charge

We provide you with the common banner sizes for LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter so that you can conveniently advertise your trade fair presence at automatica 2023.

Costs: free of charge

Press and public relations

Media shape opinions. Which is why you should use our professional PR work to cultivate your image. Present your company to trade journalists from around the world—before and during the fair.

Matthias Glötzner
Matthias Glötzner
  • PR Manager
Press—press conference, press release, press contacts

Messe München offers you the opportunity to store your current press releases, your company profile, new products and / or a press photo in an electronic press box on automatica's webpage. Journalists can use the electronic press compartments to get a quick overview of your trade show topics and innovations - a practical tool, especially for preliminary reporting. The entries appear online on the automatica website under "Newsroom - Press Services".

Costs: The costs for the first electronic press box are included in the mandatory communication fee. Each additional electronic press box costs EUR 50 (plus VAT).

Contact: NEUREUTER FAIR MEDIA GmbH, Roméo Mfouapon, + 49 201 36547-410,

Whether press conference, press tour, VIP visit or live demonstration - all exhibitor appointments at the booth (no evening events) are collected within an appointment calendar and displayed on the automatica website. You will receive a link to a tool, register there again (free of charge) and enter your appointments at the booth.

Attention: This is a single sign-on (SSO/one-time registration). Your login data for the Exhibitor Shop can be used for this purpose.
A user guide will be available soon to explain the input mask step by step.

Costs: none

Contact: automatica exhibition management, +49 89 949 20121,

Take advantage of the opportunity to present your company to the media during the trade show at a press conference or press briefing. Inform journalists from the daily, trade and business press about your company, your economic success and present your new products. To realize individual wishes, implementation and organization remain in your hands.

Costs: on request


In our editorial index, you as an exhibitor use the index of national and international trade journals with editorial address and the indication of the responsible editor. The editorial index is available approx. 1-2 weeks before automatica starts.

Costs: 100 EUR

Contact: Sara.Labitzke, +49 89 949 21425,