
Robot Adoption and Reaction Times

Human-Robot Interaction and responding to dynamic environments.

Electronic waste continues to be a problem across the globe. People are still buying electronic devices and often end up in the landfill. To get ahead of this problem we need to identify what is going into our waste streams, be able to dissasemble the components in order to recycle to minimize our impact on the environment!

© Copyright World Economic Forum
© Copyright World Economic Forum

Did you know?

  • Most insertion and assembly tasks are still performed manually by humans
  • Every year, 20 to 50 million tons of e-waste are discarded worldwide and only 12.5 % of that is recycled
  • 35,274 pounds of copper, 772 pounds of silver, 75 pounds of gold and 33 pounds of palladium can be recovered from one million recycled cell phones

The EU Horizon Projects

Our goal is to be an active part of the AI.Industrial.Revolution and to create the "AI.Factory for the Circular Economy" together!

The Munich Insitute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) develops robotic skills to promote intelligent machines in the circular economy. MIRMI is collaborating with partners through the EU Horizon 2020 Project ReconCycle to enable robotic self-reconfiguration in unconstrained factory environments to process electronic waste.

Create a new world-wide collaboration network

Our competition has inspired 32 leading research institutes, universities, and industrial partners to join together in a new proposal to launch a European wide network known as the “euROBIN” to enable collaboration across sites to share and compare results transparently through the web dashboard. The internet connected task board has become an enabling technology to elevate research discussions from hardware to improving algorithms to develop digital and emerging technologies to support the EU Green Deal.

i_space at the AI.Society booth, Hall B4

Impact Round Table

This year’s challenge included a transferability task which required teams to bring their own e-waste object for their robot to autonomously disassemble and extract its batteries. The teams presented a wide range of impressive demos.

Impact Round Table
The AI.Factory

Be part of our path to the future

  • Industrial robots
  • Sensitive AI.Robots & Machine learning
  • AI.Factory for the circular economy

About AI.Society