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Photo gallery: Automation in education

Cobots for the Entire Range of Training

With its collaborative robot Cobotta, which weighs just 4 kg and has an integrated controller, Denso also addresses the training sector – especially since the overall package of robots and controls as well as gripping and camera technology is comparatively inexpensive. Another plus: Cobotta addresses the entire range of the education sector from schools to vocational and business education and all the way to colleges with a variety of programming options (from simple app-based programming to high-level language programming with ROS).
Source: Denso

Denso’s Cobotta is easy to transport and ready for immediate use.
© Denso

Open source project for the education sector

Comau is targeting the education sector among others with its modular e.DO robot kit. As a modular system, the e.DO construction kit includes a number of modules (articulated joints, motors and grippers) that enable students to build and program a multi-axis articulated robot. The whole system is designed as an open-source project, so that application sharing is also possible via an e.DO community.
Source: Comau

automatica 2018 Fabrikado
© © Copyright 2018, Messe München GmbH, all rights reserved

Training cell for robot applications

For vocational and technical schools as well as company training, Toolcraft has developed a robot training cell that not only teaches how to handle robots, but also conducts experiments and tests. The robot system simulates machining processes and applications such as gripping, picking, holding and sorting. The cell is based on a Stäubli TX2-60 articulated robot. In addition to the basic module, three further expansion stages are possible: with milling spindle and CAM system, with safety package for working without safety fence as well as with camera system.
Source: Toolcraft

Training cell for robot applications
© Toolcraft

Robotics package for vocational schools and colleges

Students can program and operate modern industrial robots with the robotics training package from Fanuc. The basic package includes an LR Mate 20 0i D/4S industrial robot including control and iPendant as well as additional software packages. In addition, there are also training packages with integrated 2D image recognition and/or an electric gripper from Schunk.
Source: Fanuc

Robotics package for vocational schools and colleges
© Fanuc

Turnkey Learning Factory for Industry 4.0

The Web Factory Learning Factory is designed to make Industry 4.0 comprehensible. It was designed and realized by the Feintechnikschule Schwenningen together with regional industrial partners. The companies Asstec, Gewatec, Imsimity, Müga and Stein Automation provided machines and equipment as well as the software and are constantly working on the further development of the Learning Factory. The Learning Factory uses real industrial components that manufacture products completely automatically.
Source: Feintechnikschule Schwenningen

Turnkey Learning Factory for Industry 4.0
© Feintechnikschule Schwenningen

Modular Learning Factory

Festo Didactic helps to convey the contents of Industry 4.0 with the cyber-physical learning factory CP Factory. The learning factory 4.0 consists of individual modular cells, on which different application modules such as handling, processing or camera inspection are implemented. The individual modules are freely movable via rollers and self-organizing thanks to modular control, so you can link modules via Plug & Play and consequently quickly realize production lines with different automation-related priorities. The product handles process control in the CP Factory. The workpieces and controls are equipped with RFID technology for this purpose.
Source: Festo

Modular Learning Factory
© Festo
automatica 2018 Fabrikado
© © Copyright 2018, Messe München GmbH, all rights reserved

Safe automation: learning how to achieve it

With the Pilz Education Systems (PES) modular training system, training and further education institutions can improve practical training in the field of safe automation technology. A total of nine interchangeable control panels for sensors, control, operation and maintenance as well as a board simulating a real plant are available. Thanks to the use of genuine industrial components, the safety and automation functions of a machine or plant are modeled in practice. The supplied documents are prepared in such a way that the exercises can be carried out without guidance in self-study.
Source: Pilz