i_space – the AI.Society stage

In dialog with the future

Approaches, demos, discussions

In addition to the showcases in the exhibition area, i_space provides a stage and dialog platform for AI.Society. Looking far beyond technical feasibility aspects of robotics and automation, these interdisciplinary expert panels with plenty networking opportunities focus on new approaches and future scenarios.

The i_space program in Hall B4 is highly informative and diverse. It includes panel discussions such as the Ethics Round Table and the KI.FABRIK Bavaria featuring big names from science, business, and politics. The Robothon® award ceremony is another highlight where the winners of the Grand Challenge will be announced. Diverse presentation sessions in a 20-minute live talk format provide exciting insights into the current research of AI.Society participants and present practical scenarios related to the Future fields “Work”, “Health”, “Mobility” and “Environment”.

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© Messe München GmbH

Looking back: 2022 program highlights


Impact Round Table (Robothon®)

Panel discussion with members of the Grand Challenge Jury, Peter So, Technical Director of the Robothon®, and others

Just before the Award Ceremony of the Robothon®, the Impact Round Table discusses our aim & vision regarding the Robothon® – Grand Challenge Series. Here, the jury members discuss the competition and the impact on our circular economy.

Robothon® Award Ceremony

Jury members and selected Robothon® teams

Up to EUR 18,000 in prize money, sponsored by Huawei and Siemens, awaits the winners! The award ceremony will take place on the first day of automatica with support by Judith Gerlach, Bavarian Minister for Digital Affairs.

Ethics Round Table: Teaching AI – Opportunities and challenges of educational institutions regarding responsible research

Prof. Dr. med. Alena Buyx, TUM (moderation)
Markus Blume, Bavarian State Minister for Science and Art
Prof. Dr. Urs Gasser, TUM
Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf, University of Würzburg
Prof. Dr. Ruth Müller, TUM
Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid, University of Bamberg

The discussion ‘Teaching AI – Opportunities and challenges of educational institutions regarding responsible research and development today for the technological innovations of tomorrow’, hosted by Prof. Dr. med Alena Buyx and Markus Blume, addresses the ethical issues associated with the development and use of AI-based technological innovations within the educational environment.

KI.FABRIK Bavaria: ensuring sustainable jobs and strong value chains

Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser, TUM (moderation)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler, Project Manager KI.Fabrik FuE, TUM
Carolin Richter, Shopfloor Digitization, Technology Testing, Industrialization, BMW Group
Peter Krumbholz, Linde Material Handling, Industriepartner KI.Fabrik FuE

The panel discussion will address current issues related to the economic practicality of artificial intelligence, robotics, and algorithm-based value chains. To what extent can current research results be applied in the industry and how do they best support the crisis resilience of Bavarian and German companies? What is the role of politics in establishing visionary technology to secure jobs and value chains? High-ranking representatives from politics, business, and science will address these and other questions in the panel discussion entitled ‘KI.FABRIK Bavaria: ensuring sustainable jobs and strong value chains’.

robo.innovate panel discussion: From the research lab to the economy – How must start-up funding be designed so that Germany remains attractive for start-ups in robotics?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Diepold, TUM (moderation)
Dr. Manfred Wolter, Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Head of Department Innovation, Research, Technology, Digitization
Dr. Georg Schroth, CTO and Co-Founder of NavVis
Dr. Sabine Donauer, Senior Manager AI Policy & Communication, Infineon Technologies AG
Dr. Antonia Schmalz, Project Manager at SPRIN-D, the Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation
Daniel Straimer, Managing Director robo.innovate

The trend in robotics, away from the classic industrial sector to-wards opening up new fields of application and markets, is accelerating.
But why do we not encounter robotics even more in everyday life? Why doesn't the transfer from research to industry go faster? Science and politics are already working on new formats to raise the potential of certain key technologies in a more targeted way. The robotics hub robo.innovate, launched by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (StMWi) at the end of last year, is one possible approach. But what else is urgently needed to exploit synergies, promote talent, and make robotics interesting for investors? What is the contribution of established companies? What role do Germany’s federal and state governments play?

AI4Bavaria – The Bavarian AI Network

Dr. Dora Dzvonyar, Science communicator, TEDx ambassador (moderation)
Smart robotics in Munich: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sami Haddadin, TUM
Data Science in Würzburg: Dr. Andreas Hotho, JMU Würzburg
Health in Erlangen: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Maier, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
Mobility in Ingolstadt: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Botsch, TH Ingolstadt

In October 2019, the Bavarian state government decided in favor of the Hightech Agenda Bavaria, a comprehensive technology offensive for supertech and artificial intelligence. Its objective with regard to AI research is to position Bavaria as a “leading AI district” and to span a “network of artificial intelligence research” across the Free State. Hubs with a specific focus in an AI specialty area will be established all across the state: Würzburg will focus on Data Science, Ingolstadt will become the Mobility Hub, Erlangen the Health Hub, and Munich, the capital of the Bavarian AI district, will be the Smart Robotics hub. Attend inspiring TED Talks held by representatives of the four AI specialty areas within the Hightech Agenda Bavaria to find out what has happened at these four locations since the offensive was launched – and how the four hubs’ topics have been advanced since then.

Knowledge archive

The digital archive of i_space presentations